You see, there is a reason why we jump over 30 yards up in the air and you do not want to unleash this power unwillingly by accident. This is why the approach “JUST LET ME TRY IT” will likely lead to bruises, blemishes and damaged equipment. Every part of the gear is important and has more information on its own. Kite surfing is considered to be an extreme sport and can be dangerous for you and the surroundings if you do not try it in a safe way. The kitesurf material, and the knowledge of how to use them is a very important aspect of staying safe. Walk into the water at least to a depth of 60 cm to 1 meter deep and more than 23 meters of space downwind. is a professional weather app, created for water and wind sports and all outdoor activities. Don’t choose your own kite ‘with a margin’ of size, supposedly for a weak wind. Too big a kite can easily pick you up in a rush and hit the water or shore. Another example, if there’s a 9 m kite, wind range 10–12 m/s, your weight is 55 kg, you need to use this kite at a wind range of 8–10 m/s. Or for a specified speed of 10–12 m/s, you need to take a 7 m kite.

When you rock forward you could be using the flatter section to encourage planning, and/or upwind performance. When you rock back over the curvy tail , this turns the board up and away from the kite. Try this on the beach and you’ll notice how the board turns as a result.


They can lose control of the kite or go far downwind. Landing the kite is basically the reversed steps of launching a kite. Don’t steer the kite fast otherwise the kite can hit the ground or get too much power.

You don’t want to get caught in a tidal change when you are a beginner and the tides start to push you out into the open ocean. After the quality check makes sure the safety system work. Know how they work and test them before every session. Due to sand, salt, or wear, the system can malfunction. Show your buddy you know how it works and that you feel confident using it! It does make the session a lot more fun, if something does go wrong that you can stay calm and you use the safety with comfort and ease. Another common mistake is to get air but fall in the water.

The further your kite spot is away from the reference point the less accurate the data will be. The effect of land masses is so significant that it can affect the tidal pattern.

What are Tides and how do they affect Kitesurfing?

Most kites are designed to take little or no strength to turn the kite and can almost be turned with finger tips. In fact, the Cumulonimbus is the only kind of cloud that can create its own wind in any direction due to the strong convective air currents. This means that these clouds move independently from the normal winds and become unpredictable and very unstable. The wind direction and intensity can change dramatically and suddenly, just in few minutes, in the presence of these stormy formations. Chris Moore has been teaching kiteboarding since the sport of kiteboarding began to become popular in 2000. Chris has instructed many students and professional instructor and has served as the Head Examiner for PASA . A previous version of this story misstated the location where the Roeselers began water skiing with the aid of a windsurfing sail.

How to jump high?

Is roughly takes 8 till 21 hours of kitesurfing lessons to learn the theory and the technique. It takes on other 35+ hours to really get a hang of it and feel comfortably able to start, ride and land your kite on your own. As you already kind of master the water start, this step mainly involves riding.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the other barriers that might prevent someone to learn the sport, and more importantly, we’ll provide solutions to overcome these challenges. The school will give you a time to show up on a certain date. Make sure that you arrive in advance, especially on your first lesson as you might need to fill in some papers. kitesurfing undervisning It is also nice to take the time to meet your instructor and get familiar with the school and the spot. An affiliated school such as all IKO Centers will be able to address your needs both on and off the water. Affiliated schools have fully functioning facilities to help ensure you have everything to be ready and get into the water safely.

Allow the kite to power your body up with knees bent. Once standing, put your weight on your back leg and start riding. On average it takes 2 to 4 kitesurfing lessons to learn how to kitesurf. Like any sport or activity it takes time and practice. Kitesurfing looks way harder to learn than it really is.